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Home » 15 Advantages of Being an Entrepreneur (+5 Downsides) in 2023

15 Advantages of Being an Entrepreneur (+5 Downsides) in 2023

There are many advantages of being an entrepreneur. In this post, I’ll share reasons to consider leaving the 9-5 behind to pursue a more freedom-filled lifestyle. My full-time freelancing career began in 2020, and my life hasn’t been the same since. I was interested in graphic design, creative writing, social media, and website design. So, … Read more

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There are many advantages of being an entrepreneur. In this post, I’ll share reasons to consider leaving the 9-5 behind to pursue a more freedom-filled lifestyle.

My full-time freelancing career began in 2020, and my life hasn’t been the same since. I was interested in graphic design, creative writing, social media, and website design. So, I made a change in my life and decided to become an entrepreneur.

I built up my own online business and these days, I get to work from home (or anywhere in the world), be my own boss, and most importantly, I love what I do!

15 Advantages of Being an Entrepreneur

Advantages of becoming an entrepreneur
Becoming an entrepreneur has more pros than cons!

If you’re organized and creative and are seeking something new and exciting in your life, consider turning your passions into profits. Becoming an entrepreneur is the best thing I’ve ever done.

I’ve experienced both the advantages and disadvantages of being an entrepreneur, and in this post, I’ll share my top points with you.

For more inspiration about changing your lifestyle and turning your passion into a career, have a look at the new Go Forth series on YouTube by GoDaddy. The mini-series follows the journey of 3 athletes who start their own businesses driven by their passions. Tony Hawk (the legendary skateboarding icon) is also featured in the series! 

Here’s my list of 15 reasons to become an entrepreneur (plus 5 downsides…)

1. You Can Set Your Own Hours

Entrepreneur working on his laptop and making his own hours, one of the advantages of entrepreneurship

One of the benefits of being an entrepreneur is being able to set your own work hours. If an entrepreneur doesn’t feel like working on Mondays, then they don’t have to.

Instead, your office hours can be Tuesday through Friday, if you want. Or, you can choose to just work every morning, or only in the afternoon. 

The freedom you have over your daily schedule is one of the best parts of being an entrepreneur.  

2. You Get To Be Creative Every Day at Your Job

Woman standing in front of a wall full of motivational sayings

One of the top reasons to become an entrepreneur is that you can be creative every single day at your job. From working on your branding and updating your website, to public speaking and social engagements, you truly have control over every piece of the creative process.

If you wake up one day and decide you don’t like the brand’s colours, or you want to create a new product, you can! Plus, if the services that you offer are mainly creative, like

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